经济学 教师目录

M. Utku Unver写道




Selected Publications

“Efficient and Incentive-Compatible Liver Exchange,” with Haluk埃尔 and Tayfun桑麦资, May 2020. 费雪, 88(3): 965-1005

“Two-Sided Matching via Balanced Exchange,” with Umut Mert Dur, 2019. Journal of Political Economy, (2019) 127(3): 1156-1177

"Incentive Compatible Allocation and Exchange of Discrete 资源,和马立克·皮西亚, 1月, 2017. Theoretical 经济学, 12(1): 287-329.

"Dynamic Kidney Exchange", 2010. Review of Economic Studies, 77:1, 372- 414

"Kidney Exchange", with Alvin E. Roth and Tayfun桑麦资, 2004. Quarterly Journal of 经济学, 119, 457-488

Downloadable 工作底稿

工作文件1069. Tayfun桑麦资 (电子游戏软件), M. Utku Unver写道 (电子游戏软件), "Matching under Non-transferable Utility: Applications", (03/2024; PDF)

工作文件1068. Tayfun桑麦资 (电子游戏软件), M. Utku Unver写道 (电子游戏软件), "Matching under Non-transferable Utility: Theory", (04/2024; PDF)

工作文件1054. Tayfun桑麦资 (电子游戏软件) 和M. Utku Unver写道 (电子游戏软件), "How (not) to reform India's affirmative action policies for its economically weaker segments." (11/2022; PDF)

工作文件1050. Julien Combe (École Polytechnique), Umut Mert Dur (North Carolina State University), Olivier Tercieux (Paris School of 经济学), Camille Terrier (University of Lausanne), M. Utku Unver写道 (电子游戏软件), "市场设计 for Distributional Objectives in (Re)assignment: An Application to Improve the Distribution of Teachers in Schools." (02/2022; PDF)

工作文件1044. Marek Pycia (University of Zurich), M. Utku Unver写道 (电子游戏软件), "Arrovian Efficiency and Auditability in Discrete 机制设计." (11/2021; PDF)

工作文件1038. Xiang Han (Shanghai University of Finance and 经济学), Onur Kesten (University of Sydney), M. Utku Unver写道 (电子游戏软件), "Blood Allocation with Replacement Donors: A Theory of Multi-unit Exchange with Compatibility-based Preferences" (06/2021; PDF)

工作文件1019. Parag一. 帕沙克(麻省理工学院), Harald Schmidt (University of Pennsylvania), 亚当·所罗门(MIT), Edwin Song(麻省理工学院), Tayfun桑麦资 (电子游戏软件), 和M. Utku Unver写道 (电子游戏软件), "Do Black and Indigenous Communities Receive their Fair Share of Vaccines Under the 2018 CDC Guidelines?" (10/2020; PDF)

工作文件1015. Parag一. 帕沙克(麻省理工学院), Tayfun桑麦资 (电子游戏软件), M. Utku Unver写道 (电子游戏软件), 和M. Bumin Yenmez (电子游戏软件), "Fair Allocation of Vaccines, Ventilators and Antiviral Treatments: Leaving No Ethical Value Behind in Health Care Rationing." (07/2020; PDF)

工作文件1007. Scott Duke Kominers (Harvard University), Parag一. 帕沙克(麻省理工学院), Tayfun桑麦资 (电子游戏软件), 和M. Utku Unver写道 (电子游戏软件), "Paying It 回来ward and Forward: Expanding Access to Convalescent Plasma Therapy Through 市场设计." (05/2020; PDF)

工作文件997. Parag一. Pathak, MIT, Tayfun桑麦资, 电子游戏软件, M. Utku Unver写道, 电子游戏软件, 和M. Bumin Yenmez, 电子游戏软件, "Leaving No Ethical Value Behind: Triage Protocol Design for Pandemic Rationing.", (04/2020; PDF)

工作文件951. Haluk埃尔, University of California at 加州大学伯克利分校, Tayfun桑麦资, 电子游戏软件, and M. Utku Unver写道, 电子游戏软件, "Efficient and Incentive-Compatible Liver Exchange", (05/2018; PDF)

工作文件932. Tayfun桑麦资, 电子游戏软件, 和M. Utku Unver写道, 电子游戏软件, “市场设计 for Living-Donor Organ Exchanges: An Economic Policy Perspective”, (6/30/17; PDF)

工作文件931. Tayfun桑麦资, 电子游戏软件, M. Utku Unver写道, 电子游戏软件, 和M. Bumin Yenmez, 电子游戏软件, “Incentivized Kidney Exchange”, (6/30/17; PDF)

工作文件916. Marek Pycia, UCLA, 和M. Utku Unver, 电子游戏软件, "Arrovian Efficiency in Allocation of Discrete 资源" (08/2016; PDF)

工作文件900. Tayfun桑麦资, 电子游戏软件, M. Utku Unver写道, 电子游戏软件, and Özgür Yilmaz, Koç University, "How (Not) to Integrate Blood Subtyping Technology to Kidney Exchange" (01/2016; PDF)

工作文件886. Haluk埃尔, University of California, 加州大学伯克利分校, Tayfun桑麦资, 电子游戏软件, 和Utku Unver写道, 电子游戏软件, "Dual-Donor Organ Exchange”(启示录. 02/2017; PDF)

工作文件871. Nejat Anbarci (Durham University), Ching-Jen Sun (Deakin University) and M. Utku Unver写道, "Designing Practical and Fair Sequential Team Contests" (Rev: 04/2021; PDF)

工作文件870. Marek Pycia (UCLA) and M. Utku Unver写道,”Decomposing Random Mechanisms" (09/2014; PDF)

工作文件868. Tayfun桑麦资, 电子游戏软件, and M. Utku Unver写道,”Enhancing the Efficiency of and Equity in Transplant Organ Allocation via Incentivized Exchange" (01/2015; PDF)